Faculty of Engineering FENG
Mean of the question : "Staff member is an effective teacher " is 3.5 class size > 60 (10th Percentile is 2.9 , 25th Percentile is 3.2)
Mean of the question : "Staff member is an effective teacher" is 3.7 class size > 30 and £ 60 (10th Percentile is 3.0, 25th Percentile is 3.4 )
Mean of the question : " Staff member is an effective teacher" is 3.9 class size £ 30 (10th Percentile is 3.3 , 25th Percentile is 3.6 )
Faculty of Business FB
Regarding the faculty of Business (FB), where the accumulative data set are around 1500
Mean of the question : "Staff member is an effective teacher " is 3.6 class size > 60 (10th Percentile is 2.9 , 25th Percentile is 3.4)
Mean of the question : "Staff member is an effective teacher" is 3.8 class size > 30 and £ 60 (10th Percentile is 3.1, 25th Percentile is 3.6 )
Mean of the question : " Staff member is an effective teacher" is 4.0 class size £ 30 (10th Percentile is 3.3 , 25th Percentile is 3.7)
Faculty of Health and Social Science FHSS
Regarding the faculty of Business (FB), where the accumulative data set are around 1200
Mean of the question : "Overall, lecturer is a good teacher" is 3.8 class size > 60 (10th Percentile is 3.2 , 25th Percentile is 3.6)
Mean of the question : "Overall, lecturer is a good teacher" is 3.9 class size > 30 and £ 60 (10th Percentile is 3.2 , 25th Percentile is 3.9)
Mean of the question: "Overall, lecturer is a good teacher" is 4.0 class size £ 30 ( 10th Percentile is 3.4 , 25th Percentile is 3.7)
Reference : EDC, PolyU